Hi, my name is Isaac, a data-driven and results-focused data analyst with a passion for uncovering insights and solving complex problems. With a strong background in statistics, programming, and data visualization, I have a proven track record of delivering actionable insights to drive business decisions. Whether it's identifying key trends, uncovering hidden patterns, or creating compelling data visualizations, I am committed to delivering value to my clients and partners.
Do you want to work together? Please reach out to me by e-mail

Recent Work

IBM Certification - All Python & SQL Projects

The project link attached shows all the SQL and python projects, and capstone presentations carried out to obtain my IBM Data Analyst Certification including data extraction and manipulation tasks

Sentiment Analysis of Stock Tweets - Python

The sentiment analysis analysis with RoBERTA - TimeLMS is part of a broader project I concluded on the Correlation between sentiment analysis of stock market tweets and momentum strategy in a volatile market.

Logistics Dashboard

Excited to share the results of my latest project - a logistics dashboard for a retail firm handling an average of $11M in orders a year from its customers. The findings gave me a clear picture of the payment preferences of customers, which will be a game-changer for the business's future strategies.

New York Housing Analysis

Approximately 424K housing units have been sold in New York in the past five years, with Manhattan, the smallest borough by land area, generating the highest revenue of about $274 billion dollars.

Global Forms of Government Analysis

Approximately 30% of countries in the Caribbean, Asia, Oceania have monarchical government. This visualization examines various forms of countries government - Monarchy, Republics, Provisional.

Webscrapping Using BeautifulSoup - Python

This beautifulsoup web scraping project is part of the data collection process I am created to develop a machine learning model that can identify bird kinds, families, and orders from a bird photograph. In total, there are 618 distinct bird species in this extract, divided into 75 families and 22 bird orders.

International Debt Analysis Using SQL and Python Variation

The overall debt owed by all countries is estimated to be around 3 trillion USD, with various countries currently servicing outstanding loans. China, Brazil, South Asia, Least Developed Nations: UN categorization, and Russian Federation are the top five countries with the highest international loans, with values approximatlely $590 Million USD with China ranking highest.

Interactive geographic visualisations - Folium (python with leaflet.js)

Folium is a Python data visualization package designed primarily to aid in the display of geographical data. If the latitude and longitude values of a place are known, Folium can produce a map of that location. It allows data to be bound to a map enabling bound-marked visualizations..

UK Asylum Settlements

This visualization examines various asylum settlements related topics in the Uk between 2010 to the ending of 2021.

Golden Era of Games

It's incredible how much of an influence a new console, like the PS4, can have on a previous PS3 version 😳 (sales drop was quite alarming ⬇️). This analysis covers more than six decades' history of game releases and sales for various platforms. I'm steadily improving my understanding of design options and what best meets the needs.

UEFA Champion's League Analysis

After watching the most recent UEFA Champions League final, I came up with an exciting topic to analyze. I've been compiling some historical data for all Champions League matches and team rankings based on national rankings, matches played, titles won, and current team form for all matches played. The data was scraped and gathered from the UEFA official website and Kaggle resources.

Bank Marketing Predictive Modelling

Exploring classification algorithms for prediction of term deposit subscription.

Video Games - SQL Analysis

In this project, I analysed video game critic and user scores as well as sales data for the top 400 video games released since 1977. The purpose was to find a video game golden age by finding release years that fans and critics preferred, as well as to delve into the business side of gaming by looking at game sales data. The search involved joining datasets, comparing results with set theory, filtering, grouping, and ordering data using SQL.

Tech Salary Evaluation

I did an analysis of tech firm salaries for numerous positions, ranging from software engineers to business analysts and data scientists. My KPI was to compare the most common salary for each professional level to the industry average.

Machine Learning - Linear Regression & Decision Tree Task

The Spark Foundation Internship Tasks.

BI - Linear Regression With DAX

I computed the Beta-0 (intercept) and Beta-1 (slope) values using the least-squares method, comparing the steepness of sales across three media: television, radio, and newspapers. A high value of Beta-1 would result in a large rise or drop in sales values per unit increase of the independent variables(Type of Media), depending on whether the variables are positively or negatively correlated.

Movie Releases Analysis

Here's a screenshot of a recent dashboard I created based on a dataset of Netflix releases (movies and TV shows) from 2015 through 2020.

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